“An amazing, thought -provoking time away”
Our coaching retreat in France
Our coaching retreat in France
How to find the right-fit coach for your needs Coaching is all about the relationship. When you get it right, your coach helps you to tap into your talents and trust yourself to take positive steps forward. It’s incredibly important to find an aligned coach who brings the skills, qualifications and experience worthy of the…
That’s one of the best things I get to hear as a coach. Every time that familiar email lands in my inbox, I do a little happy dance at my desk, shriek a whoop of joy and send my congratulations to my client. Knowing that the client has put the work in and is making…
Delighted to be a guest on Hannah’s Bookshelf! Saturday afternoon and I find myself not in my kitchen listening to the show, but in the studio being interviewed by Hannah, live on the radio. Every week writer and presenter Hannah Kate talks to authors about their writing journey. This time it was my turn to…
Your employees are probably your organisation’s most important asset. Workforce development has never been more important, and some key themes are emerging. Taking note of these will be useful when planning your workforce priorities, for the new budget year. Here are some great ways that you can support your people, develop them and keep them. …
Julia Wolfendale talks to Sally Saunders, editor of Psychologies magazine this month about her insights into why we get overwhelmed. Get some top tips on how to beat the busy and find fulfillment. Too much to do, not enough hours in the day, week, month, and then before you know it you are asking yourself,…
Five ways to focus and make a great start to 2022. It is by noticing the good stuff and appreciating it that we also create the courage and curiosity to peer into elements that might be creating difficulties and generating overwhelm. With the Christmas chaos behind us and Spring around the corner, January is a…
Stuck, frustrated, overwhelmed? I hear you! So many of us are. Is it time for you to refocus, and reset and find ways to get things on the up? “When we have a head full of bees and can’t see the wood for the trees, when our mind is a muddle, we just need to…
find out if you are ready for coaching. Here we explain 5 key reasons why people turn to coaching and how it helps.
When things get tough we need to know we have enough resilience and resourcefulness to see us through. Executive Coaching is one way that leaders strengthen their resolve, reset, and refocus, in order to do what matters most, and take care of themselves too. Leaders are expected to be strong when others waiver and keep…
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