When things get tough we need to know we have enough resilience and resourcefulness to see us through. Executive Coaching is one way that leaders strengthen their resolve, reset, and refocus, in order to do what matters most, and take care of themselves too. Leaders are expected to be strong when others waiver and keep going despite the difficulties. This can take its toll.
Asking for help is not a sign of weakness.
It is a sign that you want to keep being your best self and want to take the right steps to do so. Coaching used to be seen as a remedial action only offered to people who were failing or floundering. The opposite is now true, coaching is applied widely across organisations to help people to be at the top of their game, be prepared for challenges ahead, and feel good about themselves and their role in a way that means they keep performing and engaging well with the people that need them most.
I am proud to be part of the NHS North West Leadership Academy Executive Coaching Programme as one of their Accredited Quality Assured Executive Coaches and glad to be working with NHS Leaders who do great work every day with staff in hospitals and community care. I’ll be continuing to help NHS Directors and Chief Executives discover their strengths and keep growing and achieving in these coming months.