Finding Ways To Focus
Try out this visualisation exercise to relax and improve your focus and attention.
When we have a head full of bees and can’t see the wood for the trees, when our mind is a muddle,
we just need to pause, take a new look, and get a fresh perspective.
Five Ways To Focus Life Audit
Our lives are made up of many aspects. Let’s focus on five aspects that make a difference to us every day. Check out these questions to understand what matters to you.
- How does your home look to you?
- How does your home represent you?
- What is it like to come home to this place?
- If you could change three things about your home what would they be?
- Does everyone have their space that works well for them?
- Do you have a place where you can relax?
- Is it the kind of home where you can welcome visitors?
- Is there anything you have been neglecting that needs attention?
- If you were to move where would you go and what would be different?
- If you were to accept something about your home what would that be?
Insight question
What does this tell you about your home?
Action question
What will you do now you know this?
- How do you define your family?
- What works well in your family?
- What are your hopes for your family?
- What do your family value the most?
- How are the relationships at home?
- What creates disharmony in your family?
- What creates joy within your family?
- Is love expressed within your family?
- What creates peace within your family?
- How are things with you and your partner?
- What matters most to you about this relationship?
- How do you know when this relationship is working really well?
- Are you happy with how you behave toward those you live with?
- Are you happy with how they behave towards you?
- Is there anything that has been niggling that you want to address?
- What do you want to hold on to?
- What might you need to loosen your hold on?
- Is there a change in family life due to happen that you are apprehensive about?
- What are the life changes you are experiencing now?
- What life changes do you need to prepare for?
- How well things are going for you within your home and family? (out of 10)
Insight question
What does this tell you about your family?
Action question
What will you do now you know this?
- How are your relationships with your friends?
- Who do you have a strong sense of connection with?
- Who brings out the best in you?
- Are they good for you?
- Are they good to you?
- Are you good for them?
- Are you good to them?
- What do you value most about friendships?
- What effect does social media have on the quality of your friendships?
- What do you feel you need more of, in your friendships?
- What do you feel you need less of, in your friendships?
- Who do you want to be closer to?
- Who do you want to be more distant from?
- Do you have enough time for your own interests?
- What happens when you follow your interests?
- What community do you feel part of?
- Do you have positive connections with people who care about the things you care
about? - How do you feel about your role in that community?
- What causes do you feel committed to?
- How do you get involved?
- What value do you bring to that community?
- How well things are going for you within your friends and community? (out of 10)
Insight question
What does this tell you about your friends and community?
Action question
What will you do now you know this?
- What would you like to be able to do?
- What would you like to be better at?
- What would you like to learn more about?
- Is this a good time for you to learn something new?
- What would this learning help you to do/ achieve/ become?
- How are you learning and developing professionally?
- How are you learning and developing personally?
- What would you need to overcome to learn in a way that works for you?
- What lessons has life taught you?
- How will you use that knowledge positively?
- How will you grow through learning something new?
- What score would you give for how well your learning is going? (out of 10)
Insight question
What does this tell you about your learning and development?
Action question
What will you do now you know this?
- What does work mean to you?
- What do you really enjoy about your work?
- What do you miss from work right now?
- What would you change about your work if you could?
- Do you earn enough for your work?
- Are you paid enough for your time?
- Are you paid enough considering your skills and experience?
- Are you paid equally to your peers?
- Are you happy with how much time you spend at work?
- Are you happy with how much time you spend travelling to work?
- Are you happy with how much time you spend thinking about work?
- Aside from pay, what rewards do you value from work?
- What keeps you in this role even when you don’t enjoy it?
- When do you experience work joy?
- Do you use your personal strengths at work?
- Are you able to be your best, most authentic self at work?
- Do you connect with the organisation’s values?
- Do you like the organizational culture?
- Do you feel psychologically safe at work? (trusted, valued, respected, encouraged
to innovate and use initiative.) - Do you experience work joy regularly enough?
- Is there another role or organization more suited to you, your personal values,
strengths and ambitions? - How well things are going for you in relation to work? (out of 10)
Insight question
What does this tell you about your work?
Action question
What will you do now you know this?
- How well do you look after your health?
- Do you feel a general sense of wellbeing?
- Are you getting enough sleep every night?
- Do you have some signs in your body that you may be unwell?
- Are you eating regular meals?
- Do you eat enough good foods?
- Do you limit the amount of unhealthy foods you eat?
- Do you stay hydrated during the day?
- Do you avoid caffeine and alcohol before bedtime?
- Do you weigh the recommended weight for your height?
- Is your alcohol intake within the recommended weekly allowance?
- Are there days in the week where you drink no alcohol?
- Do you move around or stay sitting for long periods?
- Do you spend time outdoors in nature?
- Do you exercise enough?
- Do you pay attention to the signs that you need to rest?
- Do you find it easy to relax?
- Do you have a positive outlook?
- Do you sometimes feel emotionally unwell?
- Do you manage existing health conditions as well as you can?
- What score would you give to your own health and wellbeing? (out of 10)
Insight question
What does this tell you about your health?
Action question
What will you do now you know this?
*if you have concerns about your health please seek medical attention
Five Ways to Focus Worksheet Template
Thanks for purchasing the book Five Ways to Focus. Here you can download a template to note down the questions and answers so you can focus on what matters and make plans to get things on the up.